The trail gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the majestic natural monument – the Uchar waterfall (alt. “flying”), its other name is The Big Chulchinsky.
The trail starts on the right side of the Chulyshman River, not far from the Chulcha River mouth; it crosses the part above the flood plain plenty coated with boulders of different size. Here one can see debris of irrigation canals (“suvak” – alt.), dated the A.D. first years.
At the very beginning of the narrow Chulcha valley, on its right side is situated temporary post control of the Altaisky reserve. In summer months rangers from the reserve are on duty here. Further the trail to Uchar lies across the cliff on the right side of the Chulcha valley. Its lateral streams make small, picturesque waterfalls. The biggest of them, such as the Artyshtu River have seasonal crossing, during the passage it’s necessary to respect the safety rules.
The Culcha River has a stormy, mountain character; its steeply inclined sides abound in screes. Huge boulders are situated in the very bed of Chulcha. On the polished rocks there are “hatching” marks. All these were made by a massive glacier, dominated in the Chulcha valley under the last glaciation in North-East Altai.
The Uchar waterfall or rather rapids lies on the South-West slope of a huge rockslide, this one came down from the ledge of the Kurkure-Bazhi range and blocked the Chulcha valley. Rockslide volume is about 50 millions of cubic meters; dam height is about 300-350 meters. Depth of water fall is about 160 meters.
The trail is destined to physically trained visitors, being experienced in trekking under mountain terrain conditions. The trail is unsuitable for visitors with disabilities.
Trail profile:
Trail length – 8,5 km (one way);
Estimated trail duration – 3,5 hours (one way);
Travel mode — trekking;
Seasons — from June to September;
Maximum visitors number – 4 team per day, 10-15 persons in the team
Trail security requirements:
Only teams escorted by instructor are allowed to the trail;
Prior to start trekking team leader must instruct travelers in safety regulations on the trail;
Travelers should move strictly along the path to prevent plants trampling;
Along the whole trail length there is no mobile communication, it is recommended to use satellite phone and radio station;
Long stops or fire are not scheduled for this trail, so there are no equipped areas for camping or bonfire sites;
Camping is allowed in emergency case only according to special permit issued by the reserve administration;
Ticks can be found along the trail. It is recommended to use repellents;
Trekking in the rain is dangerous, as mud torrents and rockslides are possible.
The following is prohibited on the trail:
To litter (Take all your waste with you);
To make fires (Use gas burners for cooking);
To harm growth, to cut trees and bushes;
To hunt and to fish;
To draw or to punch out on stones, to make stone sculptures;
To climb screens near the path (Risk of landslide).
Visiting of the reserve environmental trails is chargeable under Federal law as of March, 14, 1995 №33-ФЗ “Concerning Specially Protected Natural Areas”
Federal State budgetary institution
“Altaisky State Nature Biosphere Reserve”
for more information please contact:
+7 (388-22) 2-14-19